Antennas Direct Offers Free Antenna Package to Former Aereo Subscribers - The UpStream

Antennas Direct Offers Free Antenna Package to Former Aereo Subscribers

posted Saturday Jul 5, 2014 by Nicholas DiMeo

Antennas Direct Offers Free Antenna Package to Former Aereo Subscribers

It only took a week for Aereo's demise to turn into treasure for some other company. At least it benefits Aereo's former customers in this case. Antennas Direct, an antenna company based out of Missouri, has offered free, high-quality outdoor antennas to 1,000 Aereo customers.

In a blog post on the announcement, the company said,

Aereo Customers

We have a solution to the Supreme Court ruling that resulted in the loss of your local broadcast television: A FREE antenna from Antennas Direct.

We are giving away 1,000 antennas to Aereo subscribers! You must hurry; offer is good while supplies last.

We will ship you a FREE ClearStreamâ„¢ 2 Complete antenna (50+ Mile Range), 30 ft. of coaxial cable, and 20" J-Mount (MSRP $129.99).

To receive your free antenna, simply upload your Aereo billing statement and pay $10.00 for shipping.

Shipping takes 7 to 10 business days to the lower 48 states.

Upon clicking on the link to get more info on the bundle, it's pretty simply to get a ClearStream 2 Complete package. There's a spot for you to upload your form and essentially you're done. I also looked up the regular price of the bundle and it normally costs $234.96. So for Antennas Direct to offer this, for free, to 1,000 customers, it's definitely not a bad deal and is a great way for the company to get some positive publicity. I also like that the company isn't giving away a cheap indoor antenna but instead is providing something of very high quality that can attach nicely to a residence.

At the time of this writing, there are still antennas left to be given out. And for just $10, there's no reason that any former Aereo subscriber shouldn't get take advantage of this deal.

Are you interested in this? Do you think it's right or wrong for Antennas Direct to take advantage of the misfortune of a company? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


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