Judgement Day is Inevitable After All - The UpStream

Judgement Day is Inevitable After All

posted Saturday Aug 22, 2009 by Jon Wurm

Ut oh! Remember how advancements in robotics were supposed to change the world for the better? Remember how they were supposed to aid us with mass production, making difficult surgeries more effective and just overall making our world a better place? Well turns out they do some of those things. It also turns out they can lie and deceive. There are some researchers from Switzerland's Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne who thought that augmenting some robots designed to find food to be less than your regular honest, hard working, run of the mill robot was a good idea.

Normally, the robots would locate some food and use a flashing light to alert the necessary people of its discovery. Well after all the necessary adjustments to the robots were made, it figured out that the food supply decreased much more quickly if it reported its discovery every time. So instead, the robot now has learned to not flash its lights every time in order to keep more food for itself.

I see several problems with the above story. First, robots are learning our nasty habits because we are teaching it to them...if this continues we are screwed. Second, why do the robots feel the need to horde food that does not benefit them to have (I have a bad feeling about this)? Third, eventually when we are all living in perpetual fear of our toasters who have learned to love and kill because of jealousy. I just want to be the first to say I told you so.

This one is a bit crazy so just give us your opinion on the impending apocalypse.


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