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Jumbo Mana: Van Gogh to agents: The evolution of AI avatars @ CES 2024 (PLUGHITZ Live Presents)

AI avatars for human interaction have become a reality with companies like Jumbo Mana leading the way in developing avatars that allow for natural interactions between humans and machines. These avatars are generated using artificial intelligence, specifically generative artificial intelligence, to create characters that can communicate and engage with users in a way that traditional human-machine interactions cannot.

AI avatars for human interaction

The concept of AI avatars is not entirely new, as we have seen similar technology represented in movies like "Avatar" and in projects like digital recreations of cultural figures such as Tupac. However, what sets Jumbo Mana apart is their focus on creating avatars that not only look and sound like real people but also evoke emotions and establish connections with users.

Jumbo Mana's interactive AI platform is at the forefront of avatar technology, offering a unique and personalized experience for its users. This innovative platform enables users to create their own avatars with ease, a process that currently takes a few months but is targeted for reduction in the future.

How are AI avatars possible?

In order to ensure that these AI avatars are able to effectively interact with users, Jumbo Mana takes a multi-step approach. They first define the editorial line, setting parameters for the avatar's behavior, context, and interactions. They then feed the avatar data, including the user's voice and scripts, to ensure that the avatar speaks and acts in a way that is consistent with the user's personality and expectations.

The platform employs generative AI, granting the avatar autonomy in various contexts. This adaptability and versatility are key to ensuring a smooth and natural interaction between the avatar and the user. Users also have the option to update their avatar, although this necessitates retraining the AI.

What sets Jumbo Mana apart?

A standout feature of the platform is the ability to customize the avatar's voice, even to the extent of cloning the user's own voice. This level of personalization enhances the interaction, making it more engaging and lifelike. The avatars are equipped with a knowledge base, enabling them to provide relevant and informative responses to user queries.

One of the key challenges in creating AI avatars for human interaction is ensuring that the avatars stay within the boundaries of the context they have been given. This involves programming the avatar to understand and respond appropriately to different situations, as well as incorporating emotional elements such as tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language to create a more authentic and engaging interaction.

The trajectory of AI avatars

Despite being a relatively new field, interactive AI has seen significant growth in recent years, with companies like Jumbo Mana pushing the boundaries of what is possible with AI avatars. By combining advanced technology with a focus on human emotions and connections, these avatars have the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with machines and create new opportunities for communication and engagement.

As AI technology continues to evolve, the possibilities for AI avatars in human interaction are endless. Whether used for customer service, entertainment, education, or even companionship, AI avatars have the potential to enhance our lives and change the way we interact with technology. Jumbo Mana and companies like them are at the forefront of this exciting new field, paving the way for a future where AI avatars are an integral part of our daily lives.

Conclusion: AI avatars can replicate human interaction

Jumbo Mana's platform signifies a major leap in AI technology. By equipping users with the tools to create and customize their own avatars, it paves the way for new forms of human-AI interaction. As the technology continues to advance, we can anticipate increasingly innovative applications of AI avatars across various industries, fundamentally transforming our engagement with technology.

Interview by [tpndonbaine" class="UpStreamLink">.

[ces2024sponsors" class="UpStreamLink">

FindMyClinicalTrial: Improving clinical research for patients @ CES 2024 (PLUGHITZ Live Presents)

FindMyClinicalTrial is transforming the way patients discover clinical trials online. Their software technology serves as a comprehensive resource for patients, enabling them to connect with clinical trials, hospitals, doctors, and providers.

Easily find clinical trials online

The website functions as a centralized hub for patients seeking clinical trials. By visiting the site, patients can enter their medical information, explore available clinical trials, converse with their doctors, and directly enroll in trials with a single click. This efficient process removes the need for patients to engage with multiple healthcare providers or navigate through complex government websites like

A significant advantage of using FindMyClinicalTrial is the empowerment it offers to patients. Rather than solely depending on healthcare professionals to direct them to clinical trials, patients can now actively manage their healthcare journey. This democratization of information not only benefits individual patients but also contributes to addressing the diversity gap in clinical trials by reaching out to underserved communities.

FindMyClinicalTrial also provides educational materials to help patients and doctors better comprehend the implications of participating in clinical trials. While the company does not conduct the trials themselves, they collaborate closely with healthcare partners, community health centers, and patient advocacy groups to ensure that patients are thoroughly informed before enrolling in a trial.

In terms of sourcing clinical trials, FindMyClinicalTrial extracts data from systems like, which hosts over 500,000 active and recruiting trials in the US and internationally. This extensive database enables patients to effortlessly search for trials that align with their medical needs and preferences. Moreover, the website is entirely free for patients and hospitals to use, with revenue generated from subscription fees paid by clinical research organizations.

In summary, FindMyClinicalTrial is simplifying the process for patients to find and enroll in clinical trials online. By offering a user-friendly platform, educational resources, and seamless communication with healthcare providers, the company is empowering patients to make informed healthcare decisions and participate in potentially transformative research studies.

Knowledge is power

Additionally, FindMyClinicalTrial provides information on the sponsors of clinical trials, allowing patients to learn more about the companies or organizations conducting the research. This transparency helps patients make informed decisions about which clinical trials to participate in.

Furthermore, the website allows patients to filter clinical trials based on factors such as phase of the trial, duration, and location. This helps patients narrow down their search and find clinical trials that best suit their needs and preferences.

One of the unique aspects of FindMyClinicalTrial is its focus on patient adherence and engagement. The website is exploring partnerships with companies in the patient adherence space to provide patients with tools and resources to better monitor their health during clinical trials. This includes sending patients devices such as blood pressure monitors and glucose monitors to help them track their health data throughout the trial.

Diversity in clinical trials matters

One of the key aspects that sets FindMyClinicalTrial apart from other platforms is its commitment to diversity in clinical trials. The founder of the website, Killian Lozach, recognized a significant gap in the lack of diversity in clinical trials and the need to engage a broader range of patients in research studies. This is a critical issue, as diversity in clinical trials is essential for ensuring that the results are applicable to a wider population and that all patients have access to potentially life-saving treatments.

Lozach highlights his passion for addressing this issue and the innovative ways in which FindMyClinicalTrial is working to improve diversity in clinical trials. By not storing patient data and not requiring extensive medical history before searching for a trial, the platform is removing barriers that may prevent certain groups of patients from participating in research studies. This approach is particularly important for patients who may not have access to their full medical history or who may face additional burdens in finding a trial that suits their needs.

Lozach's dedication to improving diversity in clinical trials is commendable, and it is clear that their efforts are driven by a genuine desire to make a difference in the healthcare industry. By creating a more inclusive and accessible platform for patients to find and participate in clinical trials, FindMyClinicalTrial is helping to ensure that all patients have the opportunity to benefit from cutting-edge medical research.

Conclusion: An improved experience in researching clinical trials

Overall, FindMyClinicalTrial is revolutionizing the way patients find and participate in clinical trials. By providing a user-friendly platform, comprehensive database, and tools for patient engagement, the website is empowering patients to take control of their healthcare decisions and participate in potentially life-changing research studies. With its innovative approach to simplifying the clinical trial search process, FindMyClinicalTrial is making it easier than ever for patients to access and enroll in clinical trials online.

Interview by [tpndonbaine" class="UpStreamLink">.

[ces2024sponsors" class="UpStreamLink">

O3 Technologies brings technology to cleaning technology @ CES 2024 (PLUGHITZ Live Presents)

Innovative cleaning solutions are constantly evolving to meet the needs of consumers in a fast-paced world. One such solution is the OxiBox, a disinfection device created by O3 Technologies that uses ozone gas to effectively kill germs on soft items like shoes, backpacks, and toys. This chemical-free method has been tested and proven to be over 99.8% effective in killing live COVID-19 virus particles.

OxiBox: Disinfect, deodorize, protect

The OxiBox is a groundbreaking product that provides a comprehensive solution to cleaning and disinfecting everyday items. Initially designed for the disinfection of live viruses, the OxiBox has broadened its scope to include deodorization and protection against harmful bacteria and germs. This versatile product is capable of cleaning a wide range of items, from sports equipment like hockey gear to everyday items like shoes and children's backpacks that frequently come into contact with unclean surfaces.

The importance of maintaining cleanliness in our daily lives is essential, particularly given the volume of germs and bacteria we encounter regularly. The potential applications of the OxiBox are numerous, including its use for cleaning telephones and toilets, as well as meeting the demand for a solution to clean CPAP machines. This reflects the growing interest in innovative cleaning solutions that can simplify our lives and enhance hygiene.

The OxiBox is a promising product that provides a convenient and effective method to disinfect and deodorize items in our homes. With its capacity to eliminate harmful bacteria and viruses, it offers consumers a sense of protection and peace of mind. The importance of maintaining cleanliness in our surroundings is emphasized, especially in light of recent events that have underscored the significance of proper hygiene and disinfection.

Innovative cleaning solutions for all

Another cleaning product produced by O3 Technologies is the Sonic Mop, which is an adapter that turns a Swiffer Wet Jet into a Sonicare toothbrush for the floor. This adapter uses sonic technology to vibrate the surface of the floor, breaking up dirt and allowing the mop to pick up more grime. This simple yet effective solution can make cleaning floors easier and more efficient.

The company behind these innovative cleaning solutions is dedicated to creating products that make people's lives cleaner and easier. Their focus on innovation in cleaning and disinfection has led to the development of products that are not only effective but also easy to use and adapt to existing cleaning routines.

These innovative cleaning solutions offer a cleaner environment by effectively removing surface dirt, bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants. By using these products, consumers can ensure that their homes and workplaces are not only visually clean but also free from harmful germs that can cause illness.

Conclusion: Affordable cleaning solutions for all of your items

One key benefit of these products is their affordability and accessibility. The Swiffer Wet Jet adapter, priced at $29.99, offers a cost-effective solution for consumers seeking to disinfect soft goods. Furthermore, these products are available for purchase on television shopping channels and online retailers, making them easily accessible to a broad consumer base.

In conclusion, innovative cleaning solutions like the OxiBox and Sonic Mop from O3 Technologies are revolutionizing the way we clean and disinfect our surroundings. By providing new and effective ways to disinfect soft goods, these products are simplifying cleaning tasks and making them more convenient for consumers. As more companies continue to innovate in this space, the future of cleaning appears to be brighter and more efficient.

Interview by [tpndonbaine" class="UpStreamLink">.

[ces2024sponsors" class="UpStreamLink">

Learning to be a better boss and business owner can help your team succeed, especially when faced with demanding projects. By providing the right support and guidance, you can empower your team to excel, build their confidence, and achieve their goals. Effective management of demanding projects requires a combination of strategic delegation, resource allocation, and emotional intelligence. In this article, we will explore some essential strategies for helping your team handle demanding projects and come out on top.

Delegate tasks fairly

Demanding projects often involve a multitude of complex tasks, and it's essential to delegate them fairly to avoid overwhelming individual team members. Consider your team's strengths and weaknesses when assigning tasks to ensure each person is playing to their skills. Fair delegation not only maintains productivity but also fosters a sense of equal contribution and shared responsibility.

Equip your team with the right tools

Technical issues can be a significant hindrance to project progress, leading to frustration and delays. Ensure your team has access to the best tools and technology to facilitate their work. This might include upgrading software, using high-performance hardware like KingSpec SSDs, or providing other resources that streamline their workflow. By minimizing tech-related issues, you can reduce stress and maintain productivity.

Recognize and address burnout

Demanding projects often require intense focus and long hours, which can lead to burnout. Be aware of the signs, including exhaustion, apathy, and low-quality work. Take proactive steps to manage workloads, encourage self-care, and provide support to prevent burnout. Remember, a well-rested and motivated team is more productive and efficient in the long run.

Celebrate small wins

Large projects can feel overwhelming, but celebrating small victories along the way can help maintain morale and motivation. Acknowledge and highlight the excellent work done so far, even if the project is far from completion. This approach helps break down the project into manageable chunks and provides a sense of accomplishment and progress. By doing so, you can create a positive and encouraging team culture that fosters collaboration and innovation. But make sure to know how your team members are motivated. Some appreciate public acknowledgement and work harder, while others get uncomfortable in the same situation and shrink away.

Lend a hand when needed

It can be tricky to know when you should get involved, but if you want to embrace hands-on project management, your assistance could be vital for ensuring the project is a success. You don't want to take over too much, but asking our team if there's anything you can do, even if it's checking that content reads well or a webpage works, can make a huge difference and allow them to move on to the next stage.

In conclusion, demanding projects offer valuable learning opportunities for your team, but they require careful management to ensure success. By delegating tasks fairly, equipping your team with the right tools, recognizing burnout, celebrating small wins, and lending a hand when needed, you can empower your team to excel and drive your business forward. Remember, effective leadership is about supporting and guiding your team, not just assigning tasks and expecting results. With the right approach, you can help your team thrive and achieve remarkable results.

Failures and Bannings - Episode 665 (F5 Live: Refreshing Technology)

This week, Apple Vision Pro ships less, Garry's Mod cuts Nintendo content, the FCC revives Net Neutrality, and TikTok's time is almost up.

Exploring AI Hardware: The Humane AI Pin and Rabbit R1 - Episode 328 (Piltch Point)

The tech topic of 2024 has been and will continue to be AI. And, as with any tech trend, software inevitably begets dedicated hardware. The first generation of AI-focused hardware appears to be a collection of solutions searching for a problem to solve.

AI pin is overpriced and unnecessary

The AI pin is a novel hardware product that has recently hit the market, but it is receiving negative reviews due to its high price and lack of practicality. Priced at $699 plus a $24 monthly subscription fee, the Humane AI pin is designed to be worn on the body and act as a standalone device with its own cellular connection. However, despite its futuristic design and features, it has failed to impress consumers and tech experts alike.

One of the main criticisms of the AI pin is its high price point. At nearly $700, the device is significantly more expensive than most smartphones on the market. This steep price tag, combined with the additional monthly subscription fee, makes it a luxury item that many consumers may not be willing to invest in. Furthermore, the AI pin's limited functionality and performance issues make it difficult to justify its high cost.

In terms of functionality, the AI pin falls short of expectations. While it is marketed as a voice-activated assistant that can answer questions, take pictures, and provide information, users have reported that it is slow, unreliable, and lacks basic features that are commonly found on smartphones. For example, the AI pin struggles to set timers, has a limited battery life, and is uncomfortable to wear due to overheating issues. Additionally, its projection-based interface is clunky and difficult to use, further diminishing its appeal.

Ultimately, the AI pin's lackluster performance and high price make it an unnecessary and impractical device for most consumers. With smartphones already offering a wide range of features and capabilities, there is little incentive for users to invest in a separate device that offers inferior functionality. While the concept of a wearable AI assistant may be appealing in theory, the AI pin fails to deliver on its promises and falls short of expectations. In conclusion, the AI pin is overpriced and unnecessary, and consumers would be better off sticking with their smartphones for their digital assistant needs.

Rabbit R1 phone is questionable

The Rabbit R1 phone is a questionable product that has raised concerns among consumers and tech enthusiasts. The podcast transcript highlights several key issues with the device, including its high price, limited functionality, and questionable marketing tactics.

One of the main criticisms of the Rabbit R1 is its price point, which is described as outrageous. The podcast hosts compare it to the Palm Phone, another niche device with a high price tag. The fact that the Rabbit R1 is not even wearable adds to the confusion surrounding its purpose and value proposition.

The lack of practicality and usefulness of the Rabbit R1 is also called into question. The hosts express confusion over the concept of leaving your phone at home only to carry a separate device that essentially functions as a phone. They suggest that a 4G watch would serve a similar purpose more effectively, as it is smaller and more convenient to use.

Furthermore, the podcast hosts discuss the device's battery life, which is reported to be only two hours. This is a major drawback for a device that is supposed to replace or supplement a smartphone. The comparison is made to other products on the market that offer longer battery life and better functionality at a lower price point.

The marketing tactics employed by Rabbit, such as not sending out review units and claiming to have sold 100,000 units before the product was even launched, raise further suspicions about the legitimacy of the company and its product. The hosts express skepticism about these claims and question the motives behind such tactics.

In conclusion, the Rabbit R1 phone is a questionable product that raises concerns about its price, functionality, and marketing tactics. Negative reviews and feedback are important in the marketplace to inform consumers and hold companies accountable for their products. It is essential for companies to listen to and learn from negative feedback in order to improve their products and maintain a loyal customer base. Ultimately, the Rabbit R1 serves as a cautionary tale about the importance of transparency, honesty, and consumer trust in the tech industry.

When Apple announced its ambitious Vision Pro headset, reactions were mixed, to say the least. Apple envisioned people using the product similarly to an iPhone, wearing these dystopian isolation headsets all day Potential users, on the other hand, saw them as an occasional toy. Because of that disparity, it appears that Apple had ordered too many devices for the demand, and that is being corrected.

What is the Apple Vision Pro?

The Apple Vision Pro is a wearable device developed by Apple that pushes the boundaries of traditional technology. Designed to seamlessly integrate into users' lives, this semi-compact device offers a host of features - some of which are new, and some have been on comparable hardware for years.

The Apple Vision Pro has a semi-novel approach to app interaction. Users can arrange apps on an "infinite canvas," scaling them to their preferred size. This unique feature allows for multitasking while staying aware of the surroundings. Additionally, the device wirelessly connects to Mac workflows through Mac Virtual Display, enhancing productivity for professionals and creatives alike.

As a personal entertainment hub, the Vision Pro tries to transform movies, shows, and games into an immersive experience. Its expansive display and Spatial Audio create a virtual theater. Notably, the Vision Pro houses Apple's first 3D camera, enabling users to capture spatial photos and videos. Whether reliving cherished memories or exploring new vistas, this device bridges technology and emotion.

The public reaction to Vision Pro

Since the release of the Apple Vision Pro last week, public reaction has been a fascinating blend of awe, curiosity, and skepticism. The device has ignited conversations across tech circles and beyond. Although not the first headset to employ mixed reality (XR) technology, the Vision Pro stands out with its futuristic design and unique take on XR features.

As people encountered the Vision Pro in real-world scenarios, their initial responses ranged from wide-eyed wonder to cautious intrigue. The internet buzzed with memes, jokes, and tough choices - like deciding between buying a car or this $3,500 headset. Whether it's a game-changer or a niche luxury, the Vision Pro has undeniably sparked conversations about the future of wearable tech.

Overall, while Apple had hoped that people would be engaged by the device, the overall sentiment has been one of apathy. While people find the concept to be intriguing, most do not find it to be something for long-term or regular usage. This puts the device in the same category as a Meta Quest, while the price is around 10 times that of the Quest.

The future of Vision Pro

The ambitious nature of Apple seems to have faded, as the company has reportedly lowered its shipments for the future. What was once the company's future of computing seems to be on its way to the same fate as the Microsoft HoloLens or even Apple's own Newton. In 5 years, we will likely be discussing the Vision Pro as one of Apple's 10 biggest device failures. But, for now, the company continues to march forward, albeit far slower than before.

The future of tech at CES 2024: AI, digital health, and a lot more (PLUGHITZ Live Presents)

CES (formerly the Consumer Electronics Show) is a leading event that presents pioneering technology solutions that are shaping the future. CES is more than just a trade show; it is a platform where revolutionary technology is revealed, demonstrating the boundless potential of what technology can accomplish.

A significant aspect of CES is its commitment to accessibility and inclusivity. Technology is being developed to assist individuals with various disabilities, aiming to simplify their lives and enhance their quality of life. From products that augment mobility to those that boost sexual health, CES serves as a hub for state-of-the-art solutions that cater to a diverse array of needs.

Furthermore, the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), the organization that orchestrates CES, works tirelessly throughout the year. With a team of over 200 employees, the CTA conducts market research, advocates for pro-innovation tech policies, and develops technology standards that ensure interoperability and convenience for consumers. This behind-the-scenes work emphasizes the commitment to advancing technology and propelling progress in the industry.

Engaging young adults and students in the realm of technology is also a crucial part of CES. While the event primarily caters to industry professionals, there are initiatives such as guided tours and scholarship programs designed to inspire and educate the next generation of innovators. By introducing young minds to the possibilities exhibited at CES, there is potential to ignite interest and nurture talent in fields like engineering, medicine, and beyond.

AI at the forefront of CES 2024

Jim Fellinger from the CTA, joined us to discuss this year's event. At CES 2024, artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming healthcare in groundbreaking ways. Companies like Dassault Systems are revolutionizing the industry with their digital twin technology, which allows for the complete replication of the human heart. This technology enables researchers to conduct tests that would otherwise require animal or human subjects, leading to more efficient and ethical research practices.

AI is also being utilized to improve healthcare systems and the development of new drugs. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, companies are able to streamline processes, enhance patient care, and drive innovation in the medical field. The use of AI in healthcare is not only improving the quality of care but also revolutionizing the way healthcare professionals work.

While there may be concerns about the potential for AI to replace humans in professional settings, it is important to approach new technology with a healthy degree of skepticism. AI is not meant to replace healthcare professionals but rather to augment their capabilities and improve patient outcomes. By leveraging AI technology, healthcare providers can enhance diagnostics, treatment plans, and overall patient care.

Another example highlighted is the use of AI technology in agriculture, specifically in the development of a tractor that uses lasers to eliminate weeds and pests instead of pesticides. This innovation not only improves efficiency in farming practices but also has a positive impact on the environment and surrounding communities. By utilizing AI in this way, companies like John Deere are demonstrating how technology can be used to address important issues such as sustainability and environmental impact.

Conclusion: A big year for the tech industry at CES 2024

Some years, CES represents an incremental advancement for the industry. Other years, it represents an experimental year. For CES 2024, however, the event represented exponential growth across all industries that touch on the tech world. With the power of AI at the forefront, the next 12 months are going to be filled with new takes on old problems, and solutions to problems we didn't know we had.

Interview by [tpndonbaine" class="UpStreamLink">.

[ces2024sponsors" class="UpStreamLink">

FACIL'iti's assistive tech MYdys empowers dyslexic readers @ CES 2024 (PLUGHITZ Live Presents)

Dyslexia is a learning disability that affects millions of people around the world. It is characterized by difficulties in reading and understanding written language. People with dyslexia often struggle to recognize letters, words, and sentences, making it challenging for them to read fluently and comprehend what they are reading. However, thanks to advancements in technology, like MYdys, individuals with dyslexia can overcome these challenges and improve their reading skills.

App helps dyslexic people read

MYdys, developed by the French startup FACIL'iti, is an assistive technology app designed to help people with dyslexia read more effectively. While using the app, individuals can take a picture of a text, which is then scanned and converted into digital text. The app offers various customization options, such as changing the font, increasing the text size, and highlighting problematic letters in different colors. These features help dyslexic individuals trick their brains into recognizing letters and words more easily, ultimately improving their reading comprehension.

The effectiveness of the MYdys app has been demonstrated through tests on heavily dyslexic individuals, who were able to understand significantly more of the text when using the app compared to reading without it. This improvement in reading comprehension can be life-changing for individuals with dyslexia, as it allows them to access and understand information that was previously difficult for them to process.

The benefits of MYdys

One of the key benefits of the MYdys app is its accessibility. The app can be used on any smartphone, tablet, or Chromebook, making it a versatile tool that can be integrated into daily routines and educational settings. While the app is primarily designed for older individuals who are learning how to read and beyond, it can also be used by younger children with dyslexia, provided they have access to a device and some guidance on how to use the app.

another great feature of the MYdys app is its text-to-speech functionality, which allows users to have the text read out loud to them in real-time. This feature not only helps individuals with dyslexia improve their reading skills but also provides support for those who may have difficulty reading due to other factors, such as language barriers. With the ability to translate text into 75 different languages instantly, the app ensures that users can access information in a way that is most comfortable and understandable for them.

In addition to helping individuals with dyslexia improve their reading skills, the MYdys app also has the potential to train their brains to recognize and overcome their specific challenges with reading. By using the app regularly, individuals may develop strategies and techniques that can be applied beyond the app, leading to long-term improvements in their reading abilities.

Conclusion: A great way to improve reading for dyslexia

The MYdys app is accessible to the public for free download on both iOS and Android devices. Users can use the app up to 30 times a month at no cost, with the option to subscribe for unlimited access for a nominal fee of $2.99 per month. This affordability and accessibility make the app a valuable resource for individuals with dyslexia and their families, as it provides a practical and cost-effective solution to improve reading skills and boost confidence.

Overall, the MYdys app is a game-changer for individuals with dyslexia, offering a user-friendly and effective tool to support reading and comprehension. By leveraging technology to address the specific needs of individuals with dyslexia, the app empowers users to overcome reading challenges and engage more confidently with written content. With its affordability, accessibility, and user-friendly features, the MYdys app is a valuable resource for individuals with dyslexia seeking to improve their reading skills and enhance their overall quality of life.

Interview by [tpndonbaine" class="UpStreamLink">.

[ces2024sponsors" class="UpStreamLink">

Meet Robin the Robot: LEOBOTICS' big robotic innovations @ CES 2024 (PLUGHITZ Live Presents)

The innovative robotic concept store in France from LEOBOTICS is revolutionizing the way people interact with and purchase robots. Founded by Léo-Pol Watrin, this unique store offers a wide range of robots for sale, as well as expert advice and live demonstrations for customers.

Innovative robotic concept store in France

One of the key features of LEOBOTICS' store is its focus on providing a personalized and interactive shopping experience for customers. Visitors to the store can not only browse and purchase robots but also receive guidance on which robot best suits their needs. The store offers live demonstrations of various robots, allowing customers to see the robots in action before making a purchase.

The company's founder, who started the business in France three years ago and opened the shop two years ago, has seen significant growth in a short amount of time. Starting out as a one-person operation, LEOBOTICS now has a team of four people and has recently launched a franchise. The company is actively seeking partners at events like CES to expand its reach not only in France but also in other countries like Belgium, Switzerland, and Luxembourg.

Robotic technology evolving for all

One of the standout features of LEOBOTICS' store is its emphasis on education and programming. The store offers robotic services such as programming, installation, and teaching customers how to program their robots autonomously. This hands-on approach allows customers to fully utilize the capabilities of their robots and customize them to their specific needs.

The store also offers a range of robots for different purposes, from educational robots to assistance robots for disabled children. Customers can choose from a variety of robots, including vacuum robots and larger robots capable of lifting objects. The store's mascot, Robin the Robot, showcases the advanced technology and capabilities of the robots available at LEOBOTICS.

Diverse products and abilities are the key

One of the key aspects of LEOBOTICS' success is its diverse network of manufacturers from around the world. With partners in China, France, Slovakia, Poland, the US, Canada, and Japan, the company is able to offer a wide range of robotic products to meet the needs of its customers. This global network allows LEOBOTICS to stay ahead of the curve and continually innovate with new and improved robotic technologies.

The robots offered by LEOBOTICS are versatile and can be used for a variety of purposes, from professional cleaning in factories to security monitoring in homes. The company's flagship robot, equipped with a camera and microphone for vocal and facial recognition, is just one example of the advanced capabilities of their products. With features like HD cameras, vocal recognition, and the ability to create custom applications and challenges, these robots are more than just toys - they are sophisticated tools that can enhance daily life.

Conclusion: Learn about and purchase robotics at LEOBOTICS

In conclusion, LEOBOTICS is at the forefront of robotic technology evolution, offering a wide range of innovative products that cater to a variety of needs. With a global network of manufacturers, a dedicated team of experts, and a commitment to customer service, the company is poised to continue leading the way in the world of robotics. As technology continues to evolve, LEOBOTICS will undoubtedly be at the forefront, bringing cutting-edge robotic solutions to customers around the world.

Interview by [tpndonbaine" class="UpStreamLink">.

[ces2024sponsors" class="UpStreamLink">

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