Blue Microphones Joins the Headphone Market [Live] - Show Notes

Blue Microphones Joins the Headphone Market [Live]

Friday Jan 24, 2014 (00:07:21)


Blue Microphones have long been the go-to brand for podcasters. Many new podcasters grab an entry Blue to get their show started because of the low price and high value. With USB input it means digital recording is much easier and a sub-$100 price point, anyone can afford the product.

One category within the podcasting audio market that has, so far, been left out from Blue is headphones. The company announces that this will no longer be the case, as they are looking very carefully into the headphone space. They believe that mobile devices don't have the power to run big headphones, and they believe they have a solution for power and quality.

There is currently not a product on the market, but they expect to have some announcements about specific headphones over the next few months.

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Live segment by Jeffrey Powers of Geekazine and Anne Montera of Health Tech Weekly.

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