Sketchers Adds a Matching Game to Kids Shoes - Show Notes

Sketchers Adds a Matching Game to Kids Shoes

Thursday Jan 8, 2015 (00:04:04)


One of the fun things about CES is getting to see companies who seem like they don't fit, and seeing what idea they bring to the table. This year, one of the companies that surprised us by showing off a truly interesting product was Sketchers, the shoe company.

This year, the company is releasing a line of shoes with a lighted matching game built directly into the side. Playing similar to the game Simon, kids get 8 rounds of increasing pattern to match. If they match all 8 rounds, they are treated to a light show from their feet.

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Scott Ertz


Scott is a developer who has worked on projects of varying sizes, including all of the PLUGHITZ Corporation properties. He is also known in the gaming world for his time supporting the rhythm game community, through DDRLover and hosting tournaments throughout the Tampa Bay Area. Currently, when he is not working on software projects or hosting F5 Live: Refreshing Technology, Scott can often be found returning to his high school days working with the Foundation for Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST), mentoring teams and helping with ROBOTICON Tampa Bay. He has also helped found a student software learning group, the ASCII Warriors, currently housed at AMRoC Fab Lab.


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