Can I Borrow Your Sausage? - The UpStream

Can I Borrow Your Sausage?

posted Sunday Feb 14, 2010 by Josh Henry

Can I Borrow Your Sausage?

Those wacky Europeans are at it again. Apparently when it comes to touchscreen phones, citizens in Finland prefer resistive touchscreen phones over capacitive touchscreen phones. The reason being, capacitive screens - which rely on the electrical charge in your finger - don't work if you're wearing gloves, unlike resistive which is based on pressure. So, if you aren't a fan of the cold weather and absolutely dread taking your gloves off, even for a few seconds during an intense Finnish blizzard, there's some good news for you!

When I was reading about this I honestly didn't understand why a person couldn't just remove their gloves for a short time, but then again I am from Brazil and live in Florida - so cold isn't a word in my immediate vocabulary (until this year apparently.) Thanks to the innovative Koreans, there may be a solution for the people of Finland. Just use a sausage!

That's right, I said sausage. This solution was originally discovered by Korean commuters, who collectively discovered the electrostatic properties of meat. Essentially the sausage conducts electricity in the same way your body does, so the devices don't know the difference. This has allowed sales to prosper for CJ Corporation's snack sausages in recent months.

It's not clear at this stage whether vegetarian equivalents are as effective. Maybe they should try using a celery stick or perhaps a carrot. I think we'll stick to our fingers here in the United States.


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