PlayStation's Home for Mini-MMOs - The UpStream

PlayStation's Home for Mini-MMOs

posted Saturday Dec 12, 2009 by Scott Ertz

PlayStation's Home for Mini-MMOs

This week is the one year anniversary of the official launch of PlayStation Home - Sony's virtual advertising world. As a birthday present to themselves, Sony made an announcement about how they were going to make people care that Home had been out for a year.

Jack Buser, director of PlayStation Home told Kotaku that their intentions are to make Home their launching pad for 3D social games and mini-MMOs. What exactly does that mean, you might ask. We have no idea. Maybe more games like the Ratchet & Clank scavenger hunt?

What I am hearing, however, is that Home will become like the Xbox Dashboard. The question I pose to the gamer community is this - is the idea of walking around a virtual world to find games the way you are willing to do it? I suppose this might end the complaining from Xbox owners about the lack of a textual search feature, eh?


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