G4 Platinum Monitor: TPN.tv Innovator Picks 2014 Honoree [Live] - Show Notes

G4 Platinum Monitor: TPN.tv Innovator Picks 2014 Honoree [Live]

Tuesday Jan 21, 2014 (00:07:38)


On the final day of coverage this year, TPN staff members awarded their favorite innovators the first TPN.tv Innovator Picks awards. Chris Montera's pick goes to a company that falls into his wheelhouse: Dexcom. Their new product, the G4 Platinum Monitor, a continuous glucose monitor.

This process is significantly more accurate than occasional readings, helping patents manage their blood sugar levels better. This monitor can be worn for 7 consecutive days before needing to be replaced. The technology not only earned the company our award, but a Digital Health Innovator award, as well.

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Live segment by Chris Montera, The Geeky Medic and Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central.

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