Sparx IT Solutions: Bridging the gap in offshore consulting @ CES 2024 - Show Notes

Sparx IT Solutions: Bridging the gap in offshore consulting @ CES 2024

Saturday Mar 30, 2024 (00:09:12)


Understanding an industry is key when it comes to successful software development and technology consulting. Sumit Singh Sengar, Chief Business Officer for Sparx IT Solutions, highlights the importance of industry knowledge in offshore teams, especially in the development of products and services.

Understanding an industry is key

Sengar explained that at Sparx IT Solutions, the teams focus on understanding the industries they work with, such as healthcare, e-commerce, retail, manufacturing, and insurance. By having a team of business analysts and solution architects who are well-versed in these industries, they are able to provide valuable insights and consulting services to their clients. This allows the teams to produce a more relevant and usable product for their clients in those industries.

Sengar also discussed the common misconception that offshore teams are only for development and support, and how Sparx IT Solutions has differentiated itself by offering technology consulting services. This involves working closely with clients to understand their business goals, industry regulations, and specific requirements before starting the development process. This deeper understanding of the goals and industry in which they are working allows the company to focus specifically on meeting those goals for their clients and their users.

The importance of understanding the industry is an essential aspect of Sparx's business model, with examples such as the need for HIPAA compliance in healthcare software and understanding insurance terminology in insurance products. Without this industry knowledge, the end product may not meet the client's needs and expectations, leading to frustration and wasted resources.

Todd also shared how personal experience of the importance of industry understanding in software development projects. He mentioned the challenges of working with offshore teams who may not fully grasp the purpose and goals of the project, leading to multiple revisions and inefficiencies. In fact, these challenges can lead a project to take longer and cost more than choosing a US-based development team.

Offshore development with ownership focus

Additionally, the company focuses on the importance of ownership in offshore development. By taking ownership of the projects they work on, offshore teams can ensure that they understand the culture and expectations of their clients, leading to better outcomes and increased customer satisfaction. This ownership focus also allows offshore teams to continuously monitor and evaluate their performance, ensuring that they are meeting the needs of their clients and delivering high-quality work.

Conclusion: Understanding is key to success

Overall, Sengar showcased the benefits of offshore development with an ownership focus. By having a dedicated in-house team and a deep understanding of the industry and culture they are working in, companies like Sparx IT Solutions can provide valuable services to their clients and differentiate themselves in the competitive technology consulting market. Offshore development with an ownership focus can lead to successful projects, satisfied clients, and continued growth and success for companies in the technology industry.

In conclusion, Sengar highlighted that understanding the industry is key to successful software development and technology consulting. By having a team that is knowledgeable about the industry they are working in, companies like Sparx IT Solutions can provide valuable insights, create effective solutions, and ultimately deliver successful projects to their clients.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central.

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Scott Ertz

Episode Author

Scott is a developer who has worked on projects of varying sizes, including all of the PLUGHITZ Corporation properties. He is also known in the gaming world for his time supporting the rhythm game community, through DDRLover and hosting tournaments throughout the Tampa Bay Area. Currently, when he is not working on software projects or hosting F5 Live: Refreshing Technology, Scott can often be found returning to his high school days working with the Foundation for Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST), mentoring teams and helping with ROBOTICON Tampa Bay. He has also helped found a student software learning group, the ASCII Warriors, currently housed at AMRoC Fab Lab.

Todd Cochrane

Network Host

Todd is the CEO of RawVoice / Blubrry - a podcast media company that represents 105,000 Audio and Video podcasters in which his company provides advertising opportunities, media distribution/hosting, podcast media statistics and other services. He is a podcast advertising specialist. Executing podcast advertising deals with a variety of national vendors for the past 13 years. Todd was responsible for bringing GoDaddy into the Podcast Advertising Space as one of the first podcast advertisers in 2005.


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