Snyper: Empowering communities through social shopping @ CES 2024 - Show Notes

Snyper: Empowering communities through social shopping @ CES 2024

Sunday Feb 11, 2024 (00:09:44)


A groundbreaking social shopping application is transforming the landscape of affiliate marketing by establishing an equitable and inclusive platform for individuals to monetize product endorsements. The creators of this application, known as Snyper, identified the prevailing influence of major influencers in the existing market and sought to extend opportunities to all, encompassing friends, family, and community members, to engage in affiliate marketing.

Social shopping app revolutionizes affiliate marketing

The application showcases a feed where users can peruse and observe products that their connections have purchased. This engenders a sense of trust and familiarity, as users can depend on the endorsements of individuals they know and trust. For instance, a user is more likely to trust a five-star review from a well-known acquaintance who frequently travels and stays at resorts, and consider booking the same resort.

In addition to this, the application furnishes supplementary information about the product, such as product specifics, related products, and amenities. This empowers users to make informed decisions before making a purchase. Upon deciding to book a product, users have the option to pay using a variety of payment methods, including credit cards and cryptocurrency. The application monitors the user's journey and the sources that influenced them to make the purchase.

Affiliate marketing for all

A key innovation of Snyper is the affiliate fee system. Vendors can designate a percentage as an affiliate fee for each product they offer. When a user makes a purchase through the application, this fee is divided between the individual who directly influenced the purchase and others who indirectly contributed to the user's decision. For example, if a user clicked on a link shared by a friend and made a purchase, the friend would receive a larger portion of the affiliate fee, while others who also shared the product would receive smaller portions.

This social shopping application is revolutionizing affiliate marketing by democratizing the process. It eradicates the necessity for individuals to own a website or a substantial following on major platforms to participate in affiliate marketing. Instead, it emphasizes the power of personal connections and word-of-mouth endorsements. By providing everyone the opportunity to earn money through product endorsements, Snyper is fostering a more inclusive and equitable affiliate marketing ecosystem.

Passive income through everyday activities

Snyper allows users to monetize their lifestyle by simply doing what they already do on a daily basis. Whether it's ordering a burger, buying new shoes online, or shopping for everyday items, users can earn passive income by doing these activities on the Snyper platform. The app acts as a middleman, connecting users with businesses and brands that are looking for product recommendations and reviews.

The slogan of Snyper, "monetize your lifestyle, influence to earn," encapsulates the essence of the platform. It emphasizes the idea that users can continue to live their lives as they normally would, but by using the Snyper app, they can turn their everyday activities into a source of passive income. The app taps into the power of personal influence and word-of-mouth recommendations, recognizing that everyone has the potential to inspire others through their actions.

When can I use Snyper?

In terms of release, Snyper plans to launch on both the App Store and Google Play. The initial focus will be on Argentina, with plans to expand throughout South America. The founders acknowledge that building a successful platform will require hard work, dedication, and effort. They are aware that they are not a large conglomerate with massive resources, but they are committed to making Snyper a success through growth hacking strategies.

Conclusion: A new approach to affiliate marketing

In conclusion, Snyper is a social shopping app that enables users to earn passive income through their everyday activities. By leveraging personal influence and word-of-mouth recommendations, users can monetize their lifestyle and become affiliate marketers without the need for a website. With its upcoming launch in South America, Snyper aims to empower individuals to earn passive income and create meaningful connections between users and businesses.

Interview by Christopher Jordan of The Talking Sound.

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Scott Ertz

Episode Author

Scott is a developer who has worked on projects of varying sizes, including all of the PLUGHITZ Corporation properties. He is also known in the gaming world for his time supporting the rhythm game community, through DDRLover and hosting tournaments throughout the Tampa Bay Area. Currently, when he is not working on software projects or hosting F5 Live: Refreshing Technology, Scott can often be found returning to his high school days working with the Foundation for Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST), mentoring teams and helping with ROBOTICON Tampa Bay. He has also helped found a student software learning group, the ASCII Warriors, currently housed at AMRoC Fab Lab.

Christopher Jordan

Network Host

Chris's background is in live event production, focusing on the technical aspect. This brought Chris into the podcasting space with his Talking Sound Podcast. He's been involved with the Tech Podcast Network's CES broadcast since 2020, serving as both a host and producer. He is also the host of a non-production related show called Curious Realm when he and his guests dive into some of the stranger and unexplainable aspects of the universe.


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