Fluent.ai: The future of natural speech recognition @ CES 2022 - Show Notes

Fluent.ai: The future of natural speech recognition @ CES 2022

Wednesday Mar 2, 2022 (00:04:38)


If you have a smart speaker, or you use the assistant on your phone, you know just how hard it can be to get it to understand what you want. Either it misunderstands what you have said or you didn't use the very robotic language it was expecting. For a person, the difference between "turn on Neon" and "power on Neon" are exactly the same, but Alexa may only understand one of them. But, with technology from Fluent.ai, that could be a thing of the past.

What is Fluent.ai?

Fluent.ai is at the forefront of natural speech recognition technology. That's why Flunt.ai's speech recognition technology is so important. With Flunt.ai, you can simply speak into your phone to send a text or make a call. Fluent's patented speech-to-intent technology runs fully offline in a small footprint, low power devices and can support any language or accent. This makes Fluent a perfect solution for consumer device OEMs looking to provide an intuitive and private-by-design voice user interface for any device or application!

Their offline, noise-robust speech recognition can support any language and accent. Speech is transcribed to text in the cloud, which is then analyzed by natural language processing to determine intent. This technology is important because it provides a way for people to interact with their devices without having to type or touch them. This can be extremely useful in many situations, such as when you're driving or when your hands are full.

If you're interested in using Flunt.ai's technology, you can sign up for their free Developer Edition. This will give you access to their SDK and API so that you can start building your own voice-enabled applications. You can also check out their website for more information on their products and services.

Fluent.ai works offline?

Yes! This is a great feature because it means that you don't have to be connected to the internet in order to use it. This can be very useful in situations where you might not have an internet connection, such as when you're on a plane or in a rural area. It also gives the ability to use the technology in secure areas where connected devices are not allowed.

Take, for example, a manufacturing cleanroom. Connected devices are not allowed in these areas because they can introduce vectors of attack and IP theft into the environment. However, with Flunt.ai's technology, you can still use voice commands to control machinery and other equipment in the cleanroom. This is a great way to increase efficiency and safety in these environments.

What languages does it support?

Fluent.ai supports any language or accent, making it a great choice for global companies. This is because their technology can be used by anyone, regardless of their language or accent. This makes Fluent a perfect choice for OEMs looking to provide an intuitive and private-by-design voice user interface for any device or application!


If you're interested in learning more about Flunt.ai, be sure to check out their website! You can also sign up for their free Developer Edition to get access to their SDK and API. This will allow you to start building your own voice-enabled applications!

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central and Christopher Jordan of The Talking Sound.

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Scott Ertz

Episode Author

Scott is a developer who has worked on projects of varying sizes, including all of the PLUGHITZ Corporation properties. He is also known in the gaming world for his time supporting the rhythm game community, through DDRLover and hosting tournaments throughout the Tampa Bay Area. Currently, when he is not working on software projects or hosting F5 Live: Refreshing Technology, Scott can often be found returning to his high school days working with the Foundation for Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST), mentoring teams and helping with ROBOTICON Tampa Bay. He has also helped found a student software learning group, the ASCII Warriors, currently housed at AMRoC Fab Lab.


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Erin Hurst (00:07)

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Todd Cochrane (00:21)

All right, so we're not going to delay any whatsoever. We've got Probal Lala. How do you pronounce your name?

Probal Lala (00:28)

Probal like professional football and Lala.

Todd Cochrane (00:30)

Okay. And you are Fluent.ai?

Probal Lala (00:32)

I am.

Todd Cochrane (00:33)

Yeah, tell us about your project, or your product.

Probal Lala (00:35)

Product? Well, let me start with the company when you look at Google and Amazon doing voice recognition in the cloud, and you have to do speech to text and text to cloud and all of that.

Todd Cochrane (00:45)

Drives me crazy.

Probal Lala (00:46)

But what we do is we go directly from acoustic to action. So we provide voice in very, very small devices. And the reason for that I mean, privacy issues, latency issues. So it's very quick, it's intuitive. We just actually announced a product partnership with Knowles, to actually voice it and embed their true wireless stereo earbuds. And what's interesting about that, is previously because of the small memory footprint that goes into a tws earbud. You could at max do 10 commands, and you'd have to remember them, it's really annoying, right? We can in the same memory footprint, do 30 commands, but in a thousand different ways. So you can actually say those 30 commands, intuitively, no cognitive load. And so it makes life a lot easier. No tap, no app. We're also in Smart Home Appliance goods, as well as in with Bosch or BSH in voice enabling their factories. So that is our company in sort of a nutshell.

Christopher Jordan (01:51)

That is really, really cool technology.

Todd Cochrane (01:54)

It is and how are you guys working with partners here to get this implemented? Or what's the you know, what's your goal of the show?

Probal Lala (02:03)

The goal of the show really is where most folks will actually go there on the show floor to sell to consumers, we actually partner with large OEMs. So all of the traditional suspects that the earbuds are our potential clients jointly with Knowles, we need privately and private suites that to sort of take the conversations to the next level. And essentially, at the show, we wanted to do the reveal of the TWC earbuds.

Todd Cochrane (02:30)

So how's the reaction into that?

Probal Lala (02:32)

It has been absolutely fabulous. The media pickup has been just absolutely crazy. So VentureBeat picks this up, voicebot.ai. In actual fact, the market insider did a piece on us, along with Knowles. So there's been some very, very keen excitement in terms of returning the true wireless stereo system on a trend in terms of the Person Machine Interface side.

Todd Cochrane (03:00)

Very, very cool. So I think then, if folks want to find more information out, they go to fluent.ai.

Probal Lala (03:07)

They go to www.fluent.ai.

Todd Cochrane (03:10)

And are you guys, you're not actually the reseller of the headphones, you have your partner, right?

Probal Lala (03:18)

We really are the software that goes into the various headphones.

Todd Cochrane (03:22)

Did you want to give them a plug so people can check those out?

Probal Lala (03:24)

So, Knowles is actually a company. It's a $800 million a year company. And they actually put the first mic on the moon. So Neil Armstrong used the Neil, an old mic. So we're really quite honored to partner with them. Because I mean, without them, we would, our brand does not know.

Todd Cochrane (03:45)

Right, right. Well, awesome. Well, thank you for coming on and sharing with us and I know the show's getting close to the end, but good luck with future endeavors and businesses you have derived from the event.

Probal Lala (03:56)

Super, thank you very much.

Todd Cochrane (03:57)

Hey, thank you very much.

Erin Hurst (04:01)

TPN CES 2022 coverage is executive produced by Michele Mendez. Technical Directors are Kurt Corless and Adam Barker. Associate producers are Nancy Ertz and Maurice McCoy. Interviews are edited by Jo Mini. Hosts are Marlo Anderson, Todd Cochrane, Scott Ertz, Christopher Jordan, Daniele Mendez, and Allante Sparks. Las Vegas studio provided by HC Productions. Remote studio provided by PLUGHITZ Productions. This has been Tech Podcasts Network Production, copyright 2022.

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