eFun Brings the APen Stylus to the iPad - Show Notes

eFun Brings the APen Stylus to the iPad

Saturday Jan 28, 2012 (00:03:10)


The iPad was purposely designed to be used without a stylus, but that doesn't stop some users from wanting one. It's especially handy for things like editing a document, writing notes, or for drawing apps. Now eFun has introduced one especially made for the iPad. The new stylus comes with a lot of options as well. You can not only write, draw, and edit, but you can do so in multiple colors and line weights.

The stylus, which debuted last week at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, is available now for $99 from APenUSA. To see this cool new iPad pen in action you can check out the video posted below of a live demo from the CES show floor.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central for the TechPodcast Network.

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